About Me

Welcome to “cooking with Iko” and thank you for visiting the blog.

As you can imagine, I am Iko, a Spanish guy based in the UK with a huge true love and passion for the food and, of course specially, the Spanish one. This blog is born thanks to the push of friends who like my food and always are asking about recipes when they try it. With this blog I will try to show you how to cook traditional Spanish dishes from all around the country using products that you easily can find in UK among others kitchens around the world.

I must say that I am not a chef and all the cooking that I learnt was by myself asking to my grandma and my mom and also reading a lot about cooking, culinary techniques, recipes and different kinds of kitchens around the world. Here I will try to show you how to cook from a typical Spanish salad (Pipirrana) to a famous Spanish international dish (Paella).

So let´s go for it!